Weather and skylines

Was swimming through dark, wet London last night around 7pm on way to Royal Opera House Manon ballet (more on that tonight as it was all worth getting really wet)

Trafalgar square, not that you could tell..

But what i didn’t get a chance to share is last Saturday’s heavenly weather, around the same time of day it was a balmy, warm indian summer evening.

I spent a very peaceful half an hour just looking at the sunset

I love looking at the hustle and bustle, but from a few steps away 😉

This skyline is one of my favourites in London

I like how big London is and how old-townish, with few buildings crowding the sky. In fact you don’t have to be very high up to look over rooftops and enjoy a sunset or a plane gracefully crossing it.

(click photos to enlarge, i usually upload them on my tumbler as WP not so photo friendly)

15 thoughts on “Weather and skylines

  1. Oh, Covent Garden, really a nice view. And sunset across the roofs is one of my favourite views – anywhere.
    We are now firmly in autumn. I have dug out my fingerless gloves and made myself a big pot of apple tea this morning, because I am really chilly in this weather. *sighs* The summer of love is so over. 😦 Only memories remain.


    • I know, i warmed myself up digging out the weekend photos, i was actually sitting just in a jumper on the roof and yesterday i wanted to hide inside an oven! Apple tea sounds gorgeous!! all i had was porridge which i overboiled in the microwave at work, bleh.
      Summer may be over, but the ❤ isn't 🙂 let's see it that way! and hope it will keep us warm over the winter 🙂

      I want to go back to last night's ballet as that one warmed up from the inside,but i have to choose videos and i'll do one maybe for the weekend when people have more time. It was worth braving the icky weather.

      Hope you have nice warm hands now 🙂


    • ja Oktober und November hat es in sich, Gott sei Dank scheint wieder die Sonne heute, aber lange wird es nicht dauern.
      Und danke sehr! ich mag die Aussicht da besonders und an hellen Tagen ist die Stadt wirklich wunderschon, so klare Himmer beim Sonnenuntergang hat man fast nie, ich konnte es kaum glauben und dann zogen noch die Flieger von da gerauschlos durch die Luft, so einen stillen Abend hat man fast nie da mitten in der Stadt.
      es war ein schoner Sommer dieses Jahr 🙂
      zum Gluck haben wir Bilder und allerhand andere Sachen um uns bei dem nassen Wetter warm zu halten ;-)))


    • LOL i wish! it’s the terrace of the Royal Opera House, where i probably do spend more time than at home 😉 but i wouldn’t want to live in town center, it’s never as peaceful as it looks 🙂

      But the place is open during the day as they have a cafe and anyone can enjoy the view, i’d recommend it to any visitor to London 🙂


  2. Nice. Yes, I wouldn’t want to live there all the time but a pied a terre would be handy 😉

    We used to have season tickets to both ROH and ENO but now live in deepest Norfolk. Shame, but we saw a lot of opera in our time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wunderschöne Bilder, wieso habe ich plötzlich das Gefühl Weihnachten steht vor der Tür? Vielleicht weil überall bei Dir alles schon so stimmungsvoll beleuchtet ist – Tee und Kekse müssen jetzt her! ❤


    • danke sehr, und ja Tee und Kekse immer!! aber bitte bitte noch nicht Weihnachten!! Das war noch das letzte Stuckchen Sommer 😉 aber es fangt schon an, bloss erst ist Halloween und dann riecht alles plotzlich nach Zimt in einer Woche, aber der Tourismusanfall fur den Weihnachtseinkauf hat noch nicht begonnen, wir haben noch 2 relativ normale Wochen und dann fangt es an.. schauderrrrrrrr!!!


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