BBC Radio Leeds ‘Urban&shed crew’ interview with Candida Brady & Bernard Hare

The BBC Radio Leeds presenter certainly is excited about the film 🙂

Really nice little interview taken on the morning of the Chapel FM screenings.

Enjoy! More Urban stuff to follow of course 🙂 I just need some sleep first and to finish packing up my flat for building works (you don’t want to know!)

BBC North interviews ‘Urban and the Shed Crew’ creators

Thanks to the wonderful Ali from RichardArmitageNet for capturing this!

BBC North interviews Bernard Hare (writer of the riveting book) and Candida Brady (director of the film) about the film and the Leeds locations. We get to find out a bit more about how the book and film came about, where they filmed and how much Bernard Hare actually got involved with the film 🙂

And we get to see a little clip from the film with some rather well done Yorkshire accents (i should know, one of my best friends is from Yorkshire ;-))

I was hoping for something but i only aimed as high as radio, glad the BBC got it right and caught onto the potential of the film and the story and managed to get the right people in. Chuffed to bits! (secret smile)

May i just say how warm Bernard Hare came across, maybe a man of not many words in front of the camera but i sort of felt the spirit that comes across so well when you read the book (that smile when he mentioned first meeting Greta and through her the kids;-) )

Really good stuff!

Armando Iannucci – on British Television

“We’re all in this together!”

This is a clear, concise, punchy and incredibly well articulated lecture on what British Television is like today and why we should be proud of it 🙂

If you have 1h to spare do watch as it is highly entertaining!

I’ll keep this here to remind me of some things that are important to me whenever stuff feels like it is weighing down. I could say a million words, but he says it so much better and shorter than i would.

BBC The Missing with James Nesbitt starts tonight

James Nesbitt, image BBC (c)

I’ve recently been watching quite a few BBC programmes, especially drama has been getting better and better. If you get a chance to grab these i heartily recommend The Honourable Woman and Our Girl (the latter has just finished and i enjoyed it a lot, which was surprising, especially since i feel quite conflicted on the theme of troupes abroad, it did also change some my views on the subject somewhat which i thought was a good thing too).

So tonight a new one starts on BBC One at 9pm, The Missing (link will take you to the BBC site with clips and details on characters and plot). It’s described as a relationship thriller, told over two time frames and two countries and it explores the emotional fallout of a child’s abduction not only on the family but on the wider community. James Nesbitt plays Tony Hughes, ‘a devoted family man, who is looking after his son, Oliver, when he suddenly goes missing while on holiday in France. Tony holds himself responsible for Oliver’s disappearance and finds it impossible to move on with his life as he becomes completely consumed with locating his son.’

The relationships and psychological aspects as well as the time shifts were a particular challenge for the actors as the director Tom Shankland explains in further details in his blog, focusing particularly on the on screen chemistry between James Nesbitt and Tcheky Karyo (who plays the police detective Julien Baptiste) – which i can’t wait to see!

Tcheky Karyo as detective Julien , image BBC (c)

Further info on this drama and more on his upcoming work from James Nesbitt in an interview from the Guardian.

all info on cast and characters here