1 January 2015 means one thing!

Happy New Year everyone!

Hope you have made it safely and merrily into 2015 🙂 Here’s a little something to start the year:

It’s time for the Wiener Philarmoniker Neujahrskonzert again! This year’s concert will be conducted by Zubin Mehta and you can find the detailed program here.

In my family we don’t have any traditions bar one, and that is watching the Neujahrskonzert together on the 1st of January. It’s something we all enjoy and i don’t feel the year has started properly if i don’t see it live. In memory i’ve only missed it once when i had to travel back for work and it made for a stressful start for everyone. Hopefully today it will prove a nice, relaxed, peaceful few hours we spend together enjoying music we love.

Until then, there are plenty versions to enjoy from the past on the internet, but 2010 with Georges Pretre conducting was one of my very favourites, so here it is 🙂

Prosit Neujahr!