SpReAd the Love Give Back Week Three Winner…

(Click on the image above to lend a hand to our ‘love-speading’ a million times better than butter  😉 )

Well, how about this!!!!! a week for of kittens, reports, meetings and re-writes, stress, Xmas shopping lists that give me nightmares, quite a few sleepless nights, confusing leading to all kinds of mistake purchases… leading to this!! Lucas North around my neck 🙂
Big thank you to Oscura for making this beautiful piece ❤ it’s a memento of both the subject but also at least as much of his wonderfully kind and big hearted fans 🙂 ❤

SpReAd The Love

Bap ba-ba ba-ba-ba-baaaaa! Bap ba-ba ba-ba-ba-baaaaa!

The winner of the Lucas Locket is….Hariclea!!  Congratulations!!  Drop me an email at ancientarmitage@gmail.com with all your mailing details. 😀


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