Some new Hobbit promo pics arrive

More updates šŸ˜‰ the beard-hiding photo! Now this i like eye plus hand aaaaand double breasted vest, niiice šŸ™‚

Update – Mr Invincible, skateboarding šŸ™‚ (explanation to pic below)

I know somebody who will love the hands, i do too! šŸ™‚

SpReAd The Love Gives Back Week 2: Guy of Gisborne

ahhhh, now one has to be very very good to deserve such a prize! šŸ™‚

SpReAd The Love

Itā€™s been a crazy week here so Iā€™m a lot later getting this up than I wanted but I wanted to give you all a look at this weekā€™s prize.

Multi-strand bracelet that does say Guy of Gisborne in there somewhere. Multi-strand bracelet that does say Guy of Gisborne in there somewhere.

What makes this Guy-related is the text on the paper beads, verses I ā€“ XXXIX of ā€œRobin Hood and Guy of Gisborneā€ from The Oxford Book of Ballads (Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed., 1910) which you can find here.

While all of the beads are strung thereā€™s no clasp on it yet. When we choose a winner tomorrow that person is going to need to measure their wristĀ and then email me the size they come up with (Iā€™ll give you directions if you need themĀ so it isnā€™t tooĀ tight). We have just over 24 hours leftĀ for this giveaway so if this is the one you want comment with a kindnessĀ below orā€¦

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