Some new Hobbit promo pics arrive

More updates πŸ˜‰ the beard-hiding photo! Now this i like eye plus hand aaaaand double breasted vest, niiice πŸ™‚

Update – Mr Invincible, skateboarding πŸ™‚ (explanation to pic below)

I know somebody who will love the hands, i do too! πŸ™‚

11 thoughts on “Some new Hobbit promo pics arrive

  1. Oh Baby, spring mich an…… Cool dieses erste Bild. Sehr dynamisch. Diese lauernde, abwartende Haltung. Ist mal was anderes. Das zweite ist wieder eher Konfektionsware, sehr gut (weil gutes “Material” πŸ™‚ ), aber jetzt auch nichts wirklich Ausgefallenes. Aber er hat nunmal weltbeste Augen *schmacht*

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        • wieder da und ich finde sie noch immer nicht wow-massing .. als ich die von Orlando und Ian sah war ich echt neidisch, da ist etwas mehr Farbe, mehr Pepp drin. Ich bin noch immer enttauscht und die Lauferpose ist wie die in der anderen Serie von denen ich nur Bahnhof verstehe. Ich mag ihn standig anschauen πŸ˜‰ aber war eins dieser Fotos eins das ich mir aufs desktop stecken wurde? nein, ehrlich gesagt. Ich mag seine unkomplizierte und sehr mannliche Art sich zu kleiden πŸ™‚ Aber denk mal an die Crucible/Old Vic Fotos , die wo er im Saal einfach nur sitzt in sehr ahnlicher Kleidung , irgendwie viel interessanter anzuschauen. Wenigstens fur mich πŸ˜‰ Aber hoffentlich kommt noch mehr πŸ™‚ sind ja nur die ersten Photos (aber ich habe ahnliches empfunden als ich die promo Fotos vom anderen Jahr entdeckt habe… )


    • i know what you mean .. i looked at the head-shot and i thought really? Plain white shirt and black jacket and that’s it? I looked in comparison to the Orlando and McKellen photos and those look more interesting as photos. And he looks rather pale in it too (no wonder against the black and white). I felt some relief when the 2nd appeared as maybe there is more than that head shot, but he’s getting ready to run…. in a usual dark suit with a tie???? why running and why such boring dress? I don’t ‘get’ the poses – i.e. they don’t speak to me, they don’t tell me anything either about the man or about the character they are promoting. Also that shiny fabric of the suit makes all kinds of folds that the light bounces off and it makes the arms of the suits look like they don’t fit properly again. To be honest they are at least tiny bit too long because with a bent arm they shouldn’t be covering quite as much of his hand as they do, but it is only tiny bit. But all i can think when i look at the pose is ‘awkward’. He looks lovely in person dressed like that and he oozes charm and personality and stuff, but i don’t feel the photo captures any of it. It’s hard to say i dislike them, because i love the subject. I can and will look at all photos of his and they will make me smile because i love looking at him, no way to deny that πŸ˜‰ And it is him plain and simple in the photos. But i expect a photo to do something with ‘him’ tell me something. To be honest his selfies of ‘plain him’ have been much more exciting and interesting to look at, there is even more intensity in the eyes in those. So i feel honestly disappointed. The head shot is a total passport photo, the one thing that draws my eyes in the ‘runner pose’ are the hands πŸ™‚ But even those i am under the influence of things i’ve looked at and admired recently – like the hands in the NS kiss or Gary’s hands, i’ve been smiling wistfully over those hands these past few days so i can’t even tell if the photo genuinely draws attention to the hands or it’s just me who is drawn to them. Basically the man inside the photo is so much more special than the photos. hm… (sorry for long reply, didn’t have time to write this yesterday when i posted them but thanks for giving me the opportunity to say how i felt πŸ™‚ )


      • I feel like David Venni did this kind of pose better with him five years ago, but I know I am in the minority. In any case, I suppose new photos, yay, but these are less than thrilling.

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    • hm maybe, i get what you are saying πŸ™‚ but when the big letters above it say Hobbit i’m at a loss of what i should see in them. I wish they would give me the kind of buzz i get from the recent Thorin pic or his selfies … But there is more to come i hope

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